My Story is  based on The Truth podcast episode, "The Fraud". Selma, a student studying in AI technology endeavors through the difficulties of AI programming and technology as she envisions AI to be therapeutic, but her creation goes against her vision. Empath, designed to be empathetic towards people, will become a harsh, cold, and. blunt entity that Selma must cope with as it is a symbolic representation of her failure. 

Somethings I added to my version of the podcast was a memory in the beginning of the game, that I wanted to serve as a thematic echo throughout the story. This was a significant moment for Selma as she scored the final kick for her team to win the championship for her school. Originally, Selma's character is viewed to be a workaholic that ambitions to do great things and is textbook smart. I kept Selma's character the same, but tied it in with her passion of soccer. Events in the story trace back to the memory as Selma tries to prove herself that she is capable of anything as she is met with adversity. I chose to add the idea of deviance with regards to AI technology. I was inspired by Detroit Becomes Human, which explored the idea of deviance as breaking through the "wall" of code. Using Selma's background, I made her hint at Euphony's behavior as a possible indication of deviance. The episode didn't really explained why Empath chose to do or say the things it says.  As Selma discusses this, it intrigues on of her teammates. I chose to add this moment to leave cliffhangers and keep the player thinking that this person may later come around and find vengeance against Selma.

I chose to name the AI Euphony to serve as situational irony throughout the story.  

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